"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can’t hurt me." Really? As a child growing up in the Caribbean, those words were my shield, my flimsy armor. I’d say them with defiance, tongue sticking out, whenever a friend, classmate, or cousin took aim at my acne-riddled face, my bony frame, my too-wide forehead—what they called a "five-head." They mocked my ... view the post
Words are things
On my bedside table, interspersed between the three books I'm currently engrossed in, lie three cherished journals: one for gratitude, one for dreams/goals/plans, and one for my daily musings. Journaling is an extension of my deep love for words and their immense power. Documenting my life, aspirations, and moments of gratitude has always been a cornerstone of my ... view the post
Sisterhood in Motion – A FemmePowered + KayNicole event
When I mentioned this event on Facebook, the feedback was fast and positive. Your enthusiasm means the world to me because it means that you too are longing for a sisterhood experience, community, and true and genuine fellowship with other women. One built on building up and not tearing down, one built on fostering completion and growth and not competition. One that ... view the post
Why we write
I have so much to write, but I have no idea where to start. Honestly, I kind of don’t even feel like it. Everything gets jumbled up — the words, the messages, the topics, the wisdom — until it all feels like mashed potatoes in my head before the words even make their way to paper. Where do you start when you have a million unwritten stories inside of you? The ... view the post
Journaling Workshop July 2015 workshop
Honestly, you would not believe how excited I am to offer my first workshop. It's the first of many to come and I just know that I am on the right path because the workshop is almost booked before the official launch. On July 4, I and a small group of women will convene upon a rustic cottage in the country and spend the day with our pens and journals and for the tech-savvy ... view the post