Oh my word It's been a while now, hasn't it? I hope you've been well. I've been a very busy girl; it's been a challenge but thankfully I now have help to assist me in managing all the demands on my time so there'll be more coming soon. I am very excited to re-connect with you and share what I'm working on and what I have been up to. So here's what's happening - on 16 ... view the post
Magenta. That’s how I was feeling today, magenta. Truth be told, it’s how I’ve been feeling for the past two weeks. I love the Golden Girls. It’s in my top five favorite tv shows and where I learned the expression ‘feeling magenta’. Blanche, one of the show’s characters describes the magenta feeling - 'Magenta. That's what I call it when I get that way. All kinds of ... view the post
FemmePowered brings self defense training workshop
I've been wanting to do self-defense training for women for some time now and considering the recent spate of violent crimes against women in Grenada, I believe that this sort of training is now needed more than ever. It's time women learned the basics of defending themselves. We may not be able to predict or prevent every act of violence against us, but we can ... view the post
Entrepreneurial Tips & Meetup Invite
Happy Friday folks! I know it's been a while since I posted something on business so I'm doing something about that today. Today I'm going to share with you a few things I've learned or been reminded of this year and invite you to a meet-up I'm hosting next month. A few things I've learned or been reminded of: 1- Your power is in your partners. Be careful who you partner ... view the post
Words are things
On my bedside table, interspersed between the three books I'm currently engrossed in, lie three cherished journals: one for gratitude, one for dreams/goals/plans, and one for my daily musings. Journaling is an extension of my deep love for words and their immense power. Documenting my life, aspirations, and moments of gratitude has always been a cornerstone of my ... view the post