Life is challenging and sometimes it can leave us conflicted, broken, or wanting some time away. Occasionally, we may crave time away to think, heal, process, plan, reconnect, and realize who we are at our core and what we need to create a life that satisfies. And time away is good. Not just for our minds, bodies, and the people in our lives, but also for our souls.
Oftentimes, stepping away to a place we find comforting, and being in the fellowship of women desirous of creating a life that is rich and soul-satisfying can be the catalyst to an inner evolution that creates a shift in the way we live, love, lead and show up in the world.
Now, let me tell you about my upcoming retreat, Release & Unleash.
You, me and 7 other women will spend two days and one night looking together at a quaint cottage in St. David’s. We’ll look at core areas of our lives and respond to the calling or a tug to introspection and inner work many of feel as we look towards a new year. And in that cabin nestled between fruit trees, blooming flowers, and a gorgeous view of the sea, we release old habits, mindsets, and unhealthy attitudes we carried in 2016 and possibly before. We do this because we understand that in order to unleash our innate greatness in 2017, we have to let go of some baggage. And through open conversation, meditation, journaling, practical sessions, and more, we unleash our best and most beautiful selves for 2017.
Expect to hear from women of various walks of life as they share in an authentic, engaging, and inspiring manner and position us to pursue excellence and live our dreams. During the day we have various sessions (see below) and we still carve out time for fun things like visiting the almost secluded beach a short walk away, yoga, massages, and other spa-type therapies and more.

Together, we’ll explore:
- Wise women, foolish choices. Discussing why women who know better make the choices they do and how we address this.
- Dealing with disconnection. How we reconcile the reality of where we are and where we need to or feel we should be.
- Loving with head and heart. Exploring how we can model healthy relationships by developing our relationship with God and ourselves, and allowing Him to guide us to the right connections.
- Shedding the things that do not serve. Letting go of habits, attitudes, and relationships that do not affirm, encourage, and inspire us to be our best selves.
- A yoga, meditation, breathing, and visualization session with an amazing surprise guest presenter. (trust me, she’s dope)
- Caring for ourselves so we can care for others. A practical session with massages, facials, and open discussions on self-care.
- Letting go of what people think and say about us and embracing ourselves for who we are, knowing that we are enough.
- Who I am vs. what I do – Exploring the importance of the true definition of self.
- Release and Unleash – A mantra, a pledge, an affirmation.
- Individual one-to-one coaching sessions.
- Open Q & A sessions.
This retreat is for you if you identify with any of the following:
- Feel stuck and want to chart a better way in 2017
- Value the community and the fellowship of women sharing in open and authentic ways
- Love the wisdom from wise women who have walked the path and are active in creating the life they deserve
- Want advice, tips, and direction on how to unleash and walk in your gifts and greatness
- Want to unleash old hurts, habits, and attitudes that kept you down in 2016, and need open hearts, honest critique, and loving support to help you in the direction you desire
- Just need space from the family and want to spend an empowering weekend with like-minded women
- You’re bored, got nothing better to do and feel hanging out with some cool ladies, eating great food, drinking wine, journaling, meditating, doing yoga, facials, chilling by a bonfire and going to the beach sounds way better than sitting home
- Want the freebies that come with attendance such as gift certificates, skincare products, wine, planners, digital and print resources, and more.
Space is limited to 7 women and the cost of this life-changing weekend is just $299 per person if you book before 15 December and $349 if you book after that date. Price also includes all meals and a shared room. I’m closing the registration form on 25 December or when space is filled. Click here to register. Upon receiving your registration I’ll contact you and more details will be provided.
Before registering you should know:
- sleeping in is optional, but we’d love it if you could.
- childcare can be arranged if needed at the retreat site at an additional cost of $50 per child each day of the retreat.
- check-in time is 9 AM on Saturday 30 December and check out time is 4:30 pm day 31 December
- Full payment must be made before the date of the event.
- Space is limited to 7 women and registration is confirmed only when payment is received.
Feel free to send an email to if you have questions or you can place them in the comment section below. Happy Monday, dolls!
Registration closed
Sounds like a good time to reflect. Good luck with the planning and execution of the retreat. I know for some people, it can be a game changer so l totally support it 🙂 .
Thanks, KemKem!
I love when it’s a smaller retreat vs the larger ones. The one on one time and really getting the enjoyment of a smaller group works for me.
I agree. Smaller retreats are much more intimate.
Taking time to disconnect with the outside world and to go and grow deeper is great! I love that it’s limited to a small, intamate group.
I love this. I love the intimacy and points that you focus on, great inner working!
I could so use a retreat and this one sounds amazing. Have a great time!
If only I could! I could definitely use a retreat of some sort!
This sounds so intimate. I think a lot gets done in smaller groups. Good luck to the 8 women participating.
This sounds like an incredible experience. It also sounds like something I’m in desperate need of. I’ve been on a retreat like this but I’m adding it to my list for 2017.
This sounds like it is going to be wonderful and intimate. I wish I could add it to my schedule because I need it!
If the retreat is half as lovely as you’ve described it, it will be a real treat for all who can attend! Sounds just delightful!
The description sounds relaxing in itself. I definitely am looking for some R&R next year.
I’ll let me wife know about this. She has been working hard and needs a break.
Exactly what every lady needs. It’s been awhile since I have been on a retreat. I’ll put this on my vision board and sew what happens.
I’ve never been on a retreat, but it seems like when like minded women get together, there’s nothing that can’t be accomplished.
I’ve been on a retreat once, and i’m not sure I’d go again. While I was on the retreat I had a fabulous time, but hearing whispers from other people who also attended about others after we returned just scares me. If I chose to go in the future, I would go by myself.
This retreat sounds like a fun, intense experience. One that will help the attendees start the year right. Best wishes on a successful event.
This sounds like exactly what I need. I hope your event is a success. Definitely a great idea.